Monday, October 5, 2009

Update Oct. 05 2009 Pro's or Con's "Cheat Your Way Thin" By Health Experts

This health and weight loss program is designed by Joel Marion, the former Body for Life Champion.This is the diet program which helps him to beat more than 1,000 other fitness competitors in the competition. It is a complete fat and weight loss system that If your desire is to boost your body's fat burning, then it is the program for you, because after using the program and diet recommended in the book, it will transform your body to lose weight easily. As always, we provide you with the information and opinions of PRO and CON by health experts, it is up to you to see if the program is good for you. Please read information and carefully and consult with your doctor before applying.

Recommended Program
Cheat Your Way Thin
Use Your Favorite Foods To Lose Fat Faster
Indulging In Foods That Most
Other Dieters Can At Best Dream About

Cheat Your Way Thin - Do Not Always Trust the "Expert Dieter" Opinion
By Stefan Vincent

Cheat Your Way Thin; this program's title is already controversial enough to invite various different reaction from the dieters. The lazy dieters who always look for the easiest weight loss will hurry up and put it into test while the conservative dieter community will be taking a skeptical attitude toward this kind of program.

I have seen some beginner dieter trying to ask around in the forum about this program and getting bashed quickly by these "experts"; some with polite words such as "you should try the proven diet such as South Beach" while the others said "The fact that you're considering this knowing full well how bad it is, makes me feel sorry for you" and other rude words to discourage the beginner.

While it is not wrong to ask for an expert opinion, it is also important to keep an open mind. Just because you have through a very difficult and painful effort while dieting using conservative methods with all the exercise, workout, food restriction, food measuring, and such in your time doesn't mean that other dieter has to going through the same process to lose weight. It is like force your kids to use typewriter because you have used it in the past while they actually can operate PC, word processor, and a printer.

Most of these "experts" are trapped in their own concept about dieting after manage to shed a few pounds using their conservative methods; refuse to accept new methods, and think that everything started with "easy", "fast result", and "with little effort" are scams. So before you listen to all that negative reviews and critics, these are a few misconceptions regarding Cheat Your Way Thin that need to straight up:

  1. "I see the word 'Effortless' and I'm instantly done reading"; by 'effortless' here, Joel means that you don't need to throw away any of your favorite junk foods or have a strict food restriction since you will be consume it at the cheat day. Remember that he is a nutritionist and personal trainer, so don't think that this is a program without training session or discipline included.
  2. "Eating junk is just that - you're eating junk"; note that you only allowed eating junk in "cheat day" for huge caloric spike, on the other days you have to use calorie calculator from Cheat Your Way Thin for your daily needs and follow the training sessions.
  3. "Aside from the cheat day, the calorie intake is really low"; yes, a cheat day will be followed by low carbohydrates and low GI days, but there are calculation and theory behind this meal plans. If you keep track on how many calories you get at the end of the week or month you will see that it is not less than your usual calorie intake.
  4. "You don't need factory processed, nutrient lacking foods to lose weight"; different individual has different body, necessities and lifestyle; if you can live your every day's life eating clean and achieve great result, then go ahead. Others may need to have a few donuts, chocolates, or potato chips some times and this program can help them. The point is: do what is right and works for you.

We are surrounded by many cynical people who always know why something will not work without even bother to try it and it is not your job to do whatever they said. Each of us has different reaction to different programs. Some programs maybe work, some others don't, and what works for other people are not necessarily work for you too. The bottom line is don't be a fanatic of one theory; keep an open mind to all possibilities, various research performed always result in greater diet technique and one of them may be more suitable for you.

Dig the right concept about selecting a diet with open mind in Diets that work by Stefan Vincent; use that knowledge to pick the most appropriate diet for you from a selected list of weight loss program and start your enjoyable weight loss journey now!

Recommended Program
Cheat Your Way Thin
Use Your Favorite Foods To Lose Fat Faster
Indulging In Foods That Most
Other Dieters Can At Best Dream About

Cheat Your Way Thin - Review
By Andrew Pekar Platinum Quality Author

Does the Cheat Your Way Thin Program by Joel Marion really work? This fat loss system has taught me how I can add some cheat days to my diet to increase my fat and weight loss results. It is all about boosting metabolism and not about reducing caloric intake.

1. What is Cheat Your Way Thin?

This health and diet program is created by Joel Marion, the former Body for Life Champion. It is a program that was used to beat more than 1,000 other fitness experts in the competition. He has organized his entire program into a simple system eBook that can be downloaded over the Internet. It is a complete fat and weight loss system that anyone can use to boost their body's fat burning and transform their body easily.

2. What is Losing Fats with the Cheat Your Way Thin System Like?

This system is aimed at increasing an individual's metabolism by tricking the body constantly to make it burn more fats than it would normally do. Raising metabolism has been scientifically proven to be the better weight for fat loss than reducing calories intake like how many other fitness programs preach.

Most of the time, the cheat day will happen once every week that prevents the body from increasing its fat storage. This larger food intake makes the body think that food is abundant and thus will never go into a starvation mode.

3. Why Is It That Most Diets and Most Fat Loss Programs Do Not Work?

Traditional methods like diets only focused on counting and reducing calories. Sure, these methods can result in weight loss, but the results are only temporary. As a result of lowered caloric intake, the body starts to lose lean muscle and the overall body metabolism plummets significantly. The end result is that the person will need to carry on the diet forever to maintain his or her weight. Even then, the person will appear to be leaner but in actual fact, significant amounts of fat can be stored in specific body parts that are harder to lose (like the belly, thighs and hips).

Is Cheat Your Way Thin a scam? Visit to read a FREE report about this Fat Loss System to find out the truth before you buy Cheat Your Way Thin!

Article Source:

Recommended Program
Cheat Your Way Thin
Use Your Favorite Foods To Lose Fat Faster
Indulging In Foods That Most
Other Dieters Can At Best Dream About

Cheat Your Way Thin - Learn Why Cheating Might Be the Answer to Getting Thin
By Dr. Becky Gillaspy Platinum Quality Author

This has to be some gimmick right? Well, let's look at some facts and you can decide for yourself.

Let me ask you...

Have you ever gone on a diet only to quit a few weeks later because you weren't seeing the results you hoped for?

Have you ever given up all your favorite foods: pizza, ice cream, Reese's peanut butter cups in order to drop a few pounds yet found that the results didn't show up on the scale?

What is the deal with dieting? It seems logical doesn't it? If you reduce the amount of calories you are eating during the day then your body should start using up your excess body fat for energy and you should see the results on the bathroom scale. That is the way we were all taught it is supposed to work.

There is a problem.

The problem is that your body looks at your reduction in calories as a potential threat, that threat being starvation. It has hormones, one in particular called leptin, that sends the brain a red flag when calorie consumption drops telling it to put the brakes on your metabolism and preserve the body's stored energy (i.e. FAT).

So when you reduce your calories your metabolism slows and your body holds on to body fat for dear life. This was fine when we were cavemen and women and we didn't know when our next meal would come but this is not so great when your objective is to lose weight.

The answer? Cheat your way thin!

Yes, you read that correctly. As it turns out you can outsmart your body's hormonal response to lower calories by reassuring it that all is well and that you have plenty of food available. And the wonderful way you do this is to add strategic "Cheat Days" once a week. This means that you follow a diet from Sunday till Friday and Then on Saturday when you wake up you eat whatever you want: pancakes for breakfast, fast food for lunch, pizza for dinner.

Can this work?

Absolutely, but you do have to eat right the other days of the week (and no it is not 6 days of torture). But think about it, if you reduce your calories on a diet and your body thinks you are starving so it shuts your metabolism down to save fat what would convince your body that all is well and speed up your fat burning metabolism again? MORE FOOD! After your cheat day your body says, "Wow, there is not starvation." And it cranks up your fat burning again.

Is there proof it works?

There is scientific proof that this works but what you want to know is, does it work in real life. I want you to see some incredible before and after pictures of people who have followed the Cheat Your Way Thin program, they will inspire you! Follow the link below to see the photographic proof.

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