Saturday, October 17, 2009

Update Oct. 17 - 2009 Pro's or Con's "Cheat Your Way Thin" By Health Experts

This health and weight loss program is designed by Joel Marion, the former Body for Life Champion.This is the diet program which helps him to beat more than 1,000 other fitness competitors in the competition. It is a complete fat and weight loss system that If your desire is to boost your body's fat burning, then it is the program for you, because after using the program and diet recommended in the book, it will transform your body to lose weight easily. As always, we provide you with the information and opinions of PRO and CON by health experts, it is up to you to see if the program is good for you. Please read information and carefully and consult with your doctor before applying.

Recommended Reading
Cheat Your Way Thin
Use Your Favorite Foods To Lose Fat Faster
Indulging In Foods That Most
Other Dieters Can At Best Dream About

The Cheat Your Way Thin Diet

By Peter J Lyons

Many people have problems staying with a diet because the food choices are too restrictive and don't include any of their favorite foods are you one of those people?

Then this diet named "Cheat Your Way Thin" may be the answer that you've been looking and waiting for.
The Cheat Your Way Thin program that is authored/created by Joel Marion was founded when he was working on his own body. He was trying to get into a much better physical shape. So I am sure you can imagine, the diet he was following was extremely strict, including lots of fruits, vegetables, and lean meats and cutting out all the unhealthy foods.

Marion was following his plan exactly but the results were slow. Eventually, the cravings got the better of him several times. In just one week, he ate out on Italian foods, then a few days later, pizza against every principle in his diet. Imagine his face when he found out he'd lost 2 kilos that week.

Now, admittedly the title does sound good, who wouldn't want to lose weight while "cheating" on their diet. But importantly this doesn't give you carte blanche to say that you can eat whatever you want. CYWT is based on changing your eating plan on certain days. Some days are strict, but others allow you to eat whatever you want. This idea of a "cheat day" is appealing to many people and can help you to stick with the diet long term.

The first part of the book describes Glycemic Index (GI) and Glycemic Load (GL). These measure the effect that certain foods have on your blood sugar level and forms the basis of the diet.

The diet requires you to choose between monitoring portion sizes or counting calories. Your also required to five times per day, in order to keep the metabolism raised.

Although you have a cheat day allowing you to eat pretty much anything you want there are still some basic rules to follow. The thought of having to follow rules on your cheat day may upset you, but I assure you that they're not that bad. For example, one of the rules is to not feel guilty about what you're eating.

The book then goes on to explain the real meat of the diet, which is to alternate different types of eating on different days. Aside from the cheat day, on some days you will eat a low carbohydrate diet, a low GI diet, or a high GI diet. You can also eat from a list of "free veggies" on all of your days.

For more information one weight loss and dieting click here.

For more information on how to detox your body click here.

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Recommended Reading
Cheat Your Way Thin
Use Your Favorite Foods To Lose Fat Faster
Indulging In Foods That Most
Other Dieters Can At Best Dream About

Cheat Your Way Thin Review - Not This Again!
By Joe Simmons Platinum Quality Author

Cheat Your Way Thin, the new fat loss program from best selling author and dietitian, Joel Marion, has taken the online diets market place by surprise. Joel has created his very own unique dieting plan that he says will actually "cheat" your body into burning calories. The question that most of us want answered is "is Cheat Your Way Thin a ripoff or does it truly work?"

Honestly, most folks that are are getting tired of getting the same old song and dance from these online "experts". Some dude with a extraordinary physique comes in out of nowhere with the latest, greatest fat burning diet, sells a few 100,000 copies and takes off into the sunset.

The trouble with many of these plans is that many of these people will actually have short term weight loss only to gain every pound of blubber back over the coming several weeks or months, PLUS a few pounds extra! Many of these plans were not meant to be a long term answer, particularly for those individuals that are morbidly obese.

So exactly what is it that makes Cheat Your Way Thin unique from all the rest? Well, let's take a look at what Joel has done previously. In all reality, his uncovering of this fat loss plan was a full-scale accident. He happened to be dieting himself and, just as many of us have done 1-2 times in our lives, he relapsed by giving in to his temptations for fattening (so he thought) foods. We all make mistakes. I could relate to that, having been on a weight loss roller coaster for most of my youth. However, what Joel bumbled upon through succumbing to his cravings was a way of fooling his body into a routine that it wasn't accustomed to, and by"pigging out", in reality he LOST weight.

You see, the Cheating Your Way Thin program permits you to relish some of your favorite foods as part of the diet. Of course, this is not something that you're permitted to do every day, only you are allowed to enjoy enough to where it allows you things to look forward to and it makes it a lot more desirable to stay with the diet. The body needs a certain amount of healthy foods such as vegetables and fresh fruits, as well as lean meats in order to be healthy. Nonetheless, Joel has developed a method that has allowed even people that have had an extremely difficult time losing weight in the past to finally remove their unwanted fat.

Please don't misunderstand me. The science behind this diet appears to be solid and there are a lot of testimonials from individuals that have had remarkable success with the program. However, I've seen a lot of weight loss ebooks come and go over the past few years and there's just no way to ensure that any product is going to work for you. That would be an outrageous claim to make considering that there is no way to know your history, the present state of your health, your current eating habits, medical restrictions, your living environment, and so on and so forth. There are too many elements to consider.

My final thoughts of Cheat Your Way Thin are this. It really does look to be a legitimate product. As I said before, the testimonials are streaming in and most other reviews have been very favorable. My suggestion to anyone who wants to lose weight and is "on the fence" about trying it is this. Pick it up today while the cost of the book is still low. If it works out for you then you got a deal before they increased the price. If it does not help you, or if it is not everything Joel has represented, then you have 60 days to get a a refund. Does that make sense?

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Recommended Reading
Cheat Your Way Thin
Use Your Favorite Foods To Lose Fat Faster
Indulging In Foods That Most
Other Dieters Can At Best Dream About

Cheat Your Way Thin - Proven Cheating System to Strip Away Fat
By Andrian Wurich

When it comes to shed the fat of the body, ample of the people opt for the concept of dieting, which is not quite effective as in comparison to cheat your way thin program. Although it sounds really crazy as most of the people have the complete conviction in this concept, but it has been proving that dieting is not effective to shed the fat. Now, the question arises why it is so and how the problem of burning fat could be resolved under these circumstances.

Well, first of all, you must consider the fact that in the human body there is a process named metabolism, which burns the fat. And according to the dieting concept, as you start consuming low calorie food, this metabolism starts burning the additional fat of your body. But, in reality, whenever you start dieting, your body predicts it as a potential threat and that's why your brain stops the process of metabolism.

So, that was the answer to your first question, and now, if we talk about the best approach to shed the fat, then undoubtedly you must go for cheat your way thin. As the name depicts this process helps you to cheat the hormonal response of your body towards the low calories. This process of cheat your way thin is an assurance to your brain that there is no potential threat so that the process of metabolism could get started. And you could successfully do this by planning strategic cheat day in a week on which you can eat high calorie food.

Now, again the query arises from that does this cheat your way thin process work? Yes, absolutely this process works very well as you have to eat the ordinary food for the six days and then as the brain tends to stop the process of metabolism, on the very seventh day you are ready with high calorie food to supplement this process.

Cheat Your Way Thin Proven "Cheating" System to Effortlessly Strip Away Countless Inches From Their Own Hard-to-Lose Problem Areas

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Recommended Reading
Cheat Your Way Thin
Use Your Favorite Foods To Lose Fat Faster
Indulging In Foods That Most
Other Dieters Can At Best Dream About

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