Thursday, July 30, 2009

Pro and Con " Cheat Your Way Thin" Weight Loss Program By Health Experts

Recommended Program
Cheat Your Way Thin
Use Your Favorite Foods To Lose Fat Faster
Indulging In Foods That Most
Other Dieters Can At Best Dream About

Cheat Your Way Thin - Review
By John Davenport Platinum Quality Author

Wouldn't it be wonderful if you could eat your favorite foods and still lose weight?

It seems as if this is too good to be true but according to Joel Marion's Cheat Your Way Thin program it's not. In fact, it's even good for you.

What is Cheat Your Way Thin?

This is a weight loss program created by trainer and nutrition expert Joel Marion. The concept is very simple: regular diets fail because they are too depriving. They rob your body of necessary nutrients and force it to conserve its calories instead of burning them. Diets also rob you of the joy of food which is why they are so hard to stick to. They work against your body and not with it which is why most diets fail.

I agree with that completely. Orthodox diets are usually a short term solution to a long term problem. They don't provide your body with what it needs which explains why so many people gain back all the weight they lose.

The Cheat Your Way Thin program is based on strategic "cheating". What this means is that you're allowed to eat your favorite sin foods (like pizza and pasta) as long as you do it in moderation and by following specific guidelines. What this does is help you to enjoy your food more and stick to your weight loss plan for as long as you need to. This is a psychological benefit and an important one.

But the main thing is what happens inside your body. You see, regular diets fail because they are depriving by nature. The body rebels against them. By "cheating", you're working with the body and not against it. It's manipulating your body's way of working to help your metabolism remain running high and burn more calories faster. It's totally different from regular diets and a way to really burn off fat for a long time.

Cheat Your Way Thin is highly recommended and comes with many positive testimonials. It's an easy to follow program which comes with a lot of material you can use to lose as much weight as you need and keep it off. Joel Marion did a great job in producing a program which has video, audio, and reading materials to really give you what you need to shed weight. I recommend this program even for people who tried to lose weight in the past and failed. It's a fun way to diet.

To read more about this program, go here: Cheat Your Way Thin Review

John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. He now runs a weight loss forum and publishes a diet and fitness newsletter. To read more about fast weight loss, click here: Joel Marion Review

Article Source:

Recommended Program
Cheat Your Way Thin
Use Your Favorite Foods To Lose Fat Faster
Indulging In Foods That Most
Other Dieters Can At Best Dream About

At Last! Cheat Your Way Thin - Discover How Cheating Can Be an Answer to Slimming Down
By Faviano Torres

At Last! Cheat your way thin through our amazing tips that you can easily follow. In this article, you can discover how cheating can be an answer to slimming down, at the same time giving you enough room to breathe and recharge after your hard days of dieting. This is what most programs fail to do, that is why people who are patronizing these programs fail to get slim as well.

There are times when most people, after years of dieting and striving to lose weight, do not seem to lose any pounds at all. This is referred to as the weight plateau. This is a dangerous stage to be in because you may get to the extreme of exercise and diet, thinking that it is still not enough, without realizing that you are now at the plateau stage. At Last! Cheat your way thin and stop being too hard on yourself because this is the only way you can get back on the right track again. Why does your body need to experience this? As we all know, the body has a hormonal and balance system. Once it is already accustomed to your diet and exercise plan, it may get to a stagnant point wherein your metabolism just does not speed up enough for you to lose weight.

It is important that you understand that the only way you are losing weight is because your metabolism is working efficiently and effectively. If your brain sends a message for your metabolism to slow down and eventually stop, no matter what you do, you will never get any fat off! At Last! Cheat your way thin is the only way that will help, you increase your metabolism again, and this is through eating. This is not a joke! In a week, there are seven days. You should spend six out of those seven days in eating healthy and exercising regularly and on the seventh day, feel free to eat whatever you want.

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Recommended Program
Cheat Your Way Thin
Use Your Favorite Foods To Lose Fat Faster
Indulging In Foods That Most
Other Dieters Can At Best Dream About

Cheat Your Way Thin Review - Not This Again!
By Joe Simmons Platinum Quality Author

heat Your Way Thin, the new fat loss program from best selling author and dietitian, Joel Marion, has taken the online diets market place by surprise. Joel has created his very own unique dieting plan that he says will actually "cheat" your body into burning calories. The question that most of us want answered is "is Cheat Your Way Thin a ripoff or does it truly work?"

Honestly, most folks that are are getting tired of getting the same old song and dance from these online "experts". Some dude with a extraordinary physique comes in out of nowhere with the latest, greatest fat burning diet, sells a few 100,000 copies and takes off into the sunset.

The trouble with many of these plans is that many of these people will actually have short term weight loss only to gain every pound of blubber back over the coming several weeks or months, PLUS a few pounds extra! Many of these plans were not meant to be a long term answer, particularly for those individuals that are morbidly obese.

So exactly what is it that makes Cheat Your Way Thin unique from all the rest? Well, let's take a look at what Joel has done previously. In all reality, his uncovering of this fat loss plan was a full-scale accident. He happened to be dieting himself and, just as many of us have done 1-2 times in our lives, he relapsed by giving in to his temptations for fattening (so he thought) foods. We all make mistakes. I could relate to that, having been on a weight loss roller coaster for most of my youth. However, what Joel bumbled upon through succumbing to his cravings was a way of fooling his body into a routine that it wasn't accustomed to, and by"pigging out", in reality he LOST weight.

You see, the Cheating Your Way Thin program permits you to relish some of your favorite foods as part of the diet. Of course, this is not something that you're permitted to do every day, only you are allowed to enjoy enough to where it allows you things to look forward to and it makes it a lot more desirable to stay with the diet. The body needs a certain amount of healthy foods such as vegetables and fresh fruits, as well as lean meats in order to be healthy. Nonetheless, Joel has developed a method that has allowed even people that have had an extremely difficult time losing weight in the past to finally remove their unwanted fat.

Please don't misunderstand me. The science behind this diet appears to be solid and there are a lot of testimonials from individuals that have had remarkable success with the program. However, I've seen a lot of weight loss ebooks come and go over the past few years and there's just no way to ensure that any product is going to work for you. That would be an outrageous claim to make considering that there is no way to know your history, the present state of your health, your current eating habits, medical restrictions, your living environment, and so on and so forth. There are too many elements to consider.

My final thoughts of Cheat Your Way Thin are this. It really does look to be a legitimate product. As I said before, the testimonials are streaming in and most other reviews have been very favorable. My suggestion to anyone who wants to lose weight and is "on the fence" about trying it is this. Pick it up today while the cost of the book is still low. If it works out for you then you got a deal before they increased the price. If it does not help you, or if it is not everything Joel has represented, then you have 60 days to get a a refund. Does that make sense?

Wait! Save $342.00 Dollars if You Act Fast! Learn How Right Now By Clicking On or by clicking on Cheat Your Way Thin Review

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