Thursday, July 30, 2009

Pro and Con " Cheat Your Way Thin" Weight Loss Program By Health Experts

This health and weight loss program is designed by Joel Marion, the former Body for Life Champion.This is the diet program which helps him to beat more than 1,000 other fitness competitors in the competition. It is a complete fat and weight loss system that If your desire is to boost your body's fat burning, then it is the program for you, because after using the program and diet recommended in the book, it will transform your body to lose weight easily. As always, we provide you with the information and opinions of PRO and CON by health experts, it is up to you to see if the program is good for you. Please read information and carefully and consult with your doctor before applying.

Recommended Program
Cheat Your Way Thin
Use Your Favorite Foods To Lose Fat Faster
Indulging In Foods That Most
Other Dieters Can At Best Dream About

Weight Loss Plan For Overeaters - How to Use a Cheat Day to Lose Weight
By Dr. Becky Gillaspy Platinum Quality Author

If you are a chronic overeater yet you want to lose weight there is an option open to you. Cheat Your Way Thin is an ideal weight loss plan for overeaters because it combines diet days with a "Cheat Day" where you can eat whatever you want. This article shows you how strategic overeating can actually speed your weight loss.

Let's face it, food is abundant and eating is enjoyable, yet you have always been told that in order to lose weight you must restrict your calories and deprive yourself of your favorite high calorie foods. This simple fact makes following a diet difficult.

Not only are diets difficult to follow but new research and understanding of how your hormones regulate hunger and fat loss show that prolonged dieting actually causes you to hold on to fat.

Let me explain...

You have a hormone in your body called leptin. This hormone's job is to monitor your food intake. When you go on a diet and reduce the amount of food you are eating leptin reads this as a state of semi-starvation and sends a warning to your brain. Your brain in turn slams the brakes on your metabolism in an attempt to prevent you from losing any of your stored energy...what you call FAT.

That's right, when you diet to lose weight your body actually does everything it can to SAVE fat!

And as if that were not enough, your hunger is stimulated so you are more motivated to eat. Prolonged dieting does not cause fat loss it prevents it.

This is where the plan for overeaters comes into play. What you want to do is find a way to lose weight while keeping your metabolism high and keeping your hunger from increasing.

The solution is to cheat. By dieting for 6 days and then taking day 7 off to eat or overeat anything you want, pizza, burgers, ice cream, cookies, you name it, you actually boost your metabolism up to near normal levels and since your metabolism is what fuels fat burning you get an entire week of increased weight loss potential.

You might be concerned that this method will cause you to regain all of the weight you lose during the 6 days of dieting but while you will notice a water weight gain the next few days, the boost to your fat burning from your fully stoked metabolism more than makes up for this and you will notice a higher net weight loss week to week.

This is not just some fad or made-up plan, this is a highly researched method for fast weight loss that is backed by thousands of real life before and after photos. One of today's leading researchers of using a Cheat Day to lose weight is Joel Marion the creator of Cheat Your Way Thin.

If you are interested in learning how to use a Cheat Day to boost your weight loss, then check out Cheat Your Way Thin here you will find before and after pictures and links to the official site where you can learn about the eating strategies talked about in this article.

Dr. Becky Gillaspy is a Doctor of Chiropractic, Certified Wellness Coach and Author helping clients reach and exceed their weight loss and fitness goals.

Recommended Program
Cheat Your Way Thin
Use Your Favorite Foods To Lose Fat Faster
Indulging In Foods That Most
Other Dieters Can At Best Dream About

Cheat Your Way Thin Review - Honest & Unbiased
By Sabrina J

Let's start off this Cheat Your Way Thin Review with a short introduction to the program in case you don't know about it yet.

As you may know, Cheat Your Way This is a program created by Joel Marion who is America's anti-diet expert who appeared in many magazines such as the International MuscleMag, Men's Fitness, Women's Day and many more. So my first impression is that he knows of what he speaks of and what he says in his program seems very reasonable to me after I had gone through it. Now of course I can't give away too much information on his program as it would be unfair, but let's continue.

So what you know by now is that the program works by letting you cheat your way thin by eating your favorite foods. This method is based on what he calls "strategic cheating". The cons of Joel's program is that since i am able eat my favorite foods, it is easy for me to overeat my favorite foods and to regain the weight I had lost. So discipline is needed for this program and I wished that he gave a warning about that.

I have to say that however there are cons to this program, the pros do outweigh it more. The key here is moderation as it's easy to get that urge to eat your favorite foods and regain your lost weight. Other than that, Cheat Your Way Thin is an excellent program by Joel Marion and comes top of my list.

Sabrina J is an independent health researcher and article writer. She constantly searches new and best ways for helping you with your body worries such as the article above Cheat Your Way Thin Review. Visit this website about Cheat Your Way Thin Reviews for more information.

Recommended Program
Cheat Your Way Thin
Use Your Favorite Foods To Lose Fat Faster
Indulging In Foods That Most
Other Dieters Can At Best Dream About

Cheat Your Way Thin - The Basics of Fat Loss
By Mike Millor

You may think that what is the best way to diet? There are several methods which teach you how to lose weight on the Internet. In this article, you will discover my method which consist of eating and exercise that everyone can follow it easily.

Before start I want you to write down your goals on a sheet of paper and monitor constantly your progress.

First, you should drink a lot of plain water.

There are a lot of people who confuse between hungry and thirsty. They usually eat food a lot when they feel thirsty, but they make a huge mistake. They should drink a glass of water. Moreover, you have to stop drinking diet sodas and other caffeine drinks because they have a negative effect on your health and fat loss.

Second, I recommend you eat several light meals during the day. This is the secret.

At least 5 meals or eat every 3 hours in one day. If you can control calories for each meal, you will find that it is easier to diet rather than eat a lot of high calories food in one time. Because your body will speed up your metabolism while keeping your energy levels up. There for, women who skip some meals can not lose weight definitely. You should also eat all major nutrients including protein, carbohydrate, and fat.

Last, Sprinting at least 3 times a week

This will help you increase your metabolic rate effectively so you are able to lose weight naturally.

Finally I hope this article will help you get the idea to lose your weight.

Visiting my website and discover the sumarize of 308 medical research papers that help you lose weight faster while eating something which other diet system prohibit like ice cream, burgers, CheatYourWayThin.
In addition, find out the way to "trick" your body into thinking you aren't dieting when you actually are? Click Here.

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Pro and Con " Cheat Your Way Thin" Weight Loss Program By Health Experts

Recommended Program
Cheat Your Way Thin
Use Your Favorite Foods To Lose Fat Faster
Indulging In Foods That Most
Other Dieters Can At Best Dream About

Cheat Your Way Thin Review - How Does it Work?
By Andrew Pekar Platinum Quality Author

Do you want to find out how the Cheat Your Way Thin Program really works? If you have ever tried following a diet, I am sure that you already how tough and disappointing their results typically turn out to be. Being a person who was once overweight, I have tried almost every kind of diet from low fat to low carbs diets.

1. My Experience with Trying to Get Thin With Various Fat Loss Programs and Diets

All of them have failed me no matter how closely I followed them. This frustrating process of dieting made me realize how useless most of the industry's diets are. Their results were nothing like those boasted in their commercials and advertisements. In the end, I was about to give up my search for a real fat loss solution until I found this system called Cheat Your Way Thin by fitness expert Joel Marion.

2. The Secret of the Cheat Your Way Thin Program

This system is really unique in that teaches the real lessons on how to naturally raise the body's metabolic rate. This diet and exercise program devises a strategy whereby fat loss can be made more effective when a day of over eating is planned for. This day is called the cheat day and it gives you the right to eat anything you want on that particular day and boost your fat loss results by even more.

3. What Are the Foods That You Can Eat on your Cheat Days?

Some examples of foods that you are allowed to consume on this cheat day include burgers and fries, pancakes, ice cream, cakes and a whole host of other desserts. Eating such calorie dense foods at the right times can boost your body's metabolism by more than 300%.

4. Should You Use the Cheat Your Way Thin Method?

If you have been trying traditional fitness programs and diets by cutting down on calorie consumption and you find them to be useless for losing weight and fats, you will be able to find all the answers as to why this is happening inside this manual by Joel Marion.

Is Cheat Your Way Thin a scam? Visit to read a FREE report about this Fat Loss System to find out the truth before you buy Cheat Your Way Thin!

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Recommended Program
Cheat Your Way Thin
Use Your Favorite Foods To Lose Fat Faster
Indulging In Foods That Most
Other Dieters Can At Best Dream About

Cheat Your Way Thin Reviews - What's the Problem With This Diet?
By John Davenport Platinum Quality Author

The Cheat Your Way Thin program by Joel Marion has been gaining a great deal of acclaim recently with glowing user testimonials and expert reviews. And indeed, this program can help you shed weight fast while allowing you to indulge in your favorite fatty foods.

I happen to favor this plan because it works with your body and not against it and helps the metabolism run faster for a long time, burning a lot of calories for you. But there is one main problem with it.

I am surprised that other reviews of the Cheat your Way Thin program have not remarked on this as it can prove to be a major problem for many people and it's all about how the program works.

"Cheating" is all about infrequent indulgence in fatty foods to boost your metabolism, provide you with more motivation, and push your body to burn more calories. But this should be done strategically, in a smart way which is what the program teaches. And it cannot be done on a daily basis but only on occasion.

This is what worries me: I fear that many people will take the "Cheating" concept and misuse it. They will overindulge themselves and eat too many pizza, ice-cream, burgers, and the like. If you do this too often, it will make you fatter. If you do this as Joel Marion teaches, you will burn off fat fast.

It takes discipline to follow this program as it should be followed. I just don't know how many people know how to control their cravings. In my mind, the Cheat Your Way Thin program is an excellent way to shed weight while still enjoying your food, but only try it out if you are confident in your ability to know when enough is enough. If you overdo "cheating" you will gain weight. Make a commitment to do it just as Joel Marion teaches and you will lose weight.

It is up to you to decide if you are up to the challenge.

To read more about this system, click here: Cheat Your Way Thin System
To read more about Joel Marion, click here: Joel Marion Reviews

John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. He now runs a weight loss forum and publishes a diet and fitness newsletter.

Article Source:

Recommended Program
Cheat Your Way Thin
Use Your Favorite Foods To Lose Fat Faster
Indulging In Foods That Most
Other Dieters Can At Best Dream About

Cheat to Lose Weight Diet
By John Davenport Platinum Quality Author

One of the latest buzz words in the weight loss industry these days is the concept of "cheating". What does cheating to lose weight dieting means? Does it really work? Can you use this strategy to shed pounds fast, overcome weight loss plateaus, and keep the weight off for the long run?

"Cheating" to lose weight involves strategic overeating periods in which you deliberately eat a lot of carbs and calories, even if it involves eating pizza, pasta, burgers, or other fatty dishes to help your metabolism run faster.

Why is this important?

It's important because our body reacts very poorly to dieting. After a few days in which we reduce our calories and lose weight, our metabolism slows down. This is why weight loss plateaus happen and why people gain the weight back. Diets simply don't work with the body, they work against it.

In order to prevent this from happening to you, it is important to "cheat" on occasion: to indulge yourself in your favorite foods. This keeps the metabolism running high constantly and helps you to continue to lose weight for a long time. The Cheat to Lose diet (better known as the Cheat Your Way Thin diet) is based on this exact principle: infrequent overeating (once a week or so) at strategic times can lean to an accelerated fat loss.

But it's not just faster fat loss, it's a long term one as well, because a heightened metabolism helps the body maintain its weight so that you don't gain back all the weight that you've lost like what happens to so many other people who try diets.

Cheat Your Way Thin get results as it works with the body to enhance its natural fat burning capabilities. It's also a much easier way to lose weight since you get to eat so many of your favorite foods. This is a fun and proven way to lose fat.

To read more on this fat loss system, go here:Cheat To Lose Weight Diet

John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. He now runs a weight loss forum and publishes a diet and fitness newsletter. To read more about fast weight loss, click here: Cheat Your Way Thin Reviews

Article Source:

Recommended Program
Cheat Your Way Thin
Use Your Favorite Foods To Lose Fat Faster
Indulging In Foods That Most
Other Dieters Can At Best Dream About

Discover the Most Motivating Weight Loss Plan - The Cheat Your Way Thin Plan
By Dr. Becky Gillaspy Platinum Quality Author

True motivating weight loss is not just a program that offers a lot of hype up front. For a plan to be truly motivating it must create consistent weight loss EVERY week and not get boring because you are eating the same bland foods all the time. This article will show you the secret that thousands of people have already used to lose weight consistently while eating all of their favorite foods on a regular basis.

If you are reading this article you are either looking for a new motivating weight loss plan or you have become bored with a plan you already started. The reason for boredom on a diet is because most diets have you eat the same things every day of the week.

To stay motivated you want to mix up your diet as the week goes on and then have one day of the week when you can eat any of your favorites such as pizza, fast food, ice cream, baked goods, etc.

You are probably thinking this type of plan can not exist but there is a diet that is backed by tons of research and has the proof of thousands of real world before and after pictures of real people who have lost weight with this cheater's method.

The plan works through carbohydrate cycling which keeps your metabolism high and since your metabolism is what allows your body to burn fat you are getting all the benefits of a diet with a fully functioning fat burning potential.

Traditional diet plans take a tremendous amount of willpower to stay on, with the Cheat Your Way Thin method you are constantly eating different fun foods and keeping your diet lively while burning fat fast.

I encourage you to not give up on weight loss and learn more about this motivating weight loss method.

If you are interested in learning how to use a Cheat Day to boost your weight loss, then check out Cheat Your Way Thin here you will find before and after pictures and links to the official site where you can learn about the eating strategies talked about in this article.

Dr. Becky Gillaspy is a Doctor of Chiropractic, Certified Wellness Coach and Author helping clients reach and exceed their weight loss and fitness goals.

Pro and Con " Cheat Your Way Thin" Weight Loss Program By Health Experts

Recommended Program
Cheat Your Way Thin
Use Your Favorite Foods To Lose Fat Faster
Indulging In Foods That Most
Other Dieters Can At Best Dream About

Cheat to Lose Diet - Learn How to Cheat Your Way Thin
By Dr. Becky Gillaspy Platinum Quality Author

Did you ever wish you could cheat on your diet and still lose weight? Well that is exactly what Joel Marion showed you how to do in his best selling book, The Cheat To Lose Diet, and now he is back with a complete system called Cheat Your Way Thin.

Through this new program you will learn why cheating is not only okay while on a diet, it is necessary!

Let me explain briefly. If you have dieted in the traditional way before you have probably decreased your calorie intake and kept your calories low for weeks or even months on end. And you probably noticed that your weight loss slowed significantly as the weeks went on causing you to drop your calories even lower in order to keep losing. No fun! AND potentially damaging.

As it turns out when you decrease your calories your metabolism takes a nosedive. In fact if you severely restrict your calories your metabolism can drop as much as 50% in one week. This is not good because your metabolism is what drives fat burning.

So by decreasing your calories you are actually slowing the rate your body is able to burn fat and to add insult to injury your body at this point is more likely to start burning up muscle because muscle requires more energy to maintain than fat. A double whammy!

What you NEED to do is cheat to lose. Diet strategy has changed in a good way. As it turns out you can cheat your way thin by holding strict to your lower calorie diet for 6 days and then taking day 7 off and eating whatever you want. If you want pizza, burgers, macaroni and cheese, pie, cake, or anything you can have it on day 7. What this does is boosts your metabolism to near normal levels and satisfies your cravings.

You might be concerned that by taking a day off during the week your weight will go back up and you will have a temporary water weight gain following your cheat day but this will drop away quickly and for the remainder of the week your metabolism will be humming and burning fat at a fast rate.

The Cheat to Lose Diet has been so successful that now there is a Cheat Your Way Thin Program that shows you exactly, step-by-step how to lose weight fast and have fun while you do it!

If you are interested in learning how a Cheat Day can boost your weight loss, then check out Cheat Your Way Thin here you will find before and after pictures and links to the official site where you can learn about the eating strategies talked about in this article.

Dr. Becky Gillaspy is a Doctor of Chiropractic, Certified Wellness Coach and Author helping clients reach and exceed their weight loss and fitness goals.

Article Source:

Recommended Program
Cheat Your Way Thin
Use Your Favorite Foods To Lose Fat Faster
Indulging In Foods That Most
Other Dieters Can At Best Dream About

Lose Weight Quick Diets - The Best is Cheat Your Way Thin
By Dr. Becky Gillaspy Platinum Quality Author

Looking for lose weight quick diets? Look no farther than The Cheat Your Way Thin Program by Joel Marion. This diet program explains how strategically adding a cheat day to your weekly diet plan not only causes faster fat loss but also satisfies your cravings and keeps your metabolism humming like a humming bird!

The problem with the typical lose weight quick diets.

The problem with fast dieting is that you by definition have to restrict your calorie intake which sends up red flags in your body. As it works out your body has a defense mechanism built in that protects you from starving to death. There is a hormone in your body called leptin which monitors how much food you are consuming. When it registers that your food consumption has dropped dramatically it alerts the body to the possibility of famine.

What the body then does is slams the brakes on your metabolism in order to preserve your stored energy, what you call fat. Yes, that is right, you body actually holds onto fat harder when you are dieting.

Can you see now why most lose weight quick diets don't work? When you starve yourself or dramatically reduce your calories your metabolism (which is what allows fat burning to go on) grinds to a halt. In fact some studies show that metabolism can drop as much as 50% in one week of intense dieting. Not good!

How cheating can help you lose weight fast.

What you need to do in order to lose weight fast and keep the weight dropping off each week is find a way to boost your metabolism on a regular basis. And so you learned that strongly reducing your calorie intake drops your metabolism, but the opposite is also true. If you want to restore your metabolism then what you must do is eat more...A LOT more.

This is why scheduling a "Cheat Day" works. For six days you reduce your calories (note - I didn't say starve yourself) and then on day 7 you cheat and eat any favorite food you want. You can wake up and have pancakes, have fast food or pizza, enjoy some ice cream, nothing is off limits.

Since during the cheat day you will be consuming carbohydrates you will notice water gain but this is quickly eliminated when you move into your 6 diet days and you are left with the tremendous fat burning potential of a fully functional metabolism all week long.

Of all of the lose weight quick diets on the market not one can hold a candle to Create Your Way Thin. It has you eating good healthy foods, keeps your metabolism high and gives you a scheduled break from dieting.

If you are interested in learning how a Cheat Day can boost your weight loss, then check out Cheat Your Way Thin here you will find before and after pictures and links to the official site where you can learn about the eating strategies talked about in this article.

Dr. Becky Gillaspy is a Doctor of Chiropractic, Certified Wellness Coach and Author helping clients reach and exceed their weight loss and fitness goals.

Article Source:

Recommended Program
Cheat Your Way Thin
Use Your Favorite Foods To Lose Fat Faster
Indulging In Foods That Most
Other Dieters Can At Best Dream About

How I Lost 20 Pounds in 12 Weeks With Cheat Your Way Thin
By Liz A. Langley

Cheat Your way Thin by Joel Marion is the international bestseller that has taken the weight loss industry by storm. This unique weight loss program claims to "fool" your body into burning more calories and therefore losing weight. Its great strength is that it is ideal for those of us who are not able to spend all day, every day, exercising, studying precisely what we eat and all of the other time consuming stuff that goes with a lot of diets.

Almost all diets will produce some short term weight loss but this is of no long term benefit if the program doesn't make it possible to keep the pounds off permanently and easily.

Cheat Your Way Thin is different, it is a concept based upon the failings of dieting itself. Joel, like many of us, was on a diet that wasn't working and, perhaps in frustration, gave in and binged out on the 'wrong' products, only to have his weakness leading him to discover how he could eat his favorite foods and shed the pounds.

Five years in the planning, Cheat Your Way Thin is the weight loss regime that produces dramatic weight loss and, at the same time, permits you to indulge yourself. It is an extraordinary concept, isn't it, that you can eat 'banned' items yet still remain healthy and lose weight. No you aren't allowed to indulge everyday but with Joel's system you will be able to eat 'naughty' foods such as pizza, pasta, chocolate, and more, and still lose weight.

Most diets fail because you starve your body of nutrients, protein, carbohydrates, and fat, which are all necessary for healthy body function. It is going against nature to starve yourself, your body will react by hanging onto all the fat it can, often referred to as starvation mode. Your metabolic rate will slow dramatically, causing tiredness and lack of energy as well as the one thing you were trying to avoid - sugar cravings.

It is possible, as Joel describes, to eat foods high in fat and sugar without piling on the pounds. The purpose of eating fatty foods, or 'cheating', is to ensure a high metabolic rate which, in turn, blocks the counter productive 'starvation mode'. This is a clever way to lose weight and at the same time protect the health of your body.

It is vital, of course, that your metabolism is running at the correct rate and this is where following the advice in Cheat Your Way Thin is so important. Joel's program proves that dramatic weight loss can be achieved by working with your body and avoiding any potentially dangerous starvation diet.

The pack includes the main manual, two audio sessions, 1 video, reference cards, a workbook, success journal and checklist.

The program worked wonders for me; I still eat chocolate cake, pizza, and my favorite pasta dishes, and I have been able to lose over 20 pounds in under 3 months. If Cheat Your Way Thin appeals to you in the way it did to me, then I would strongly urge you to give it a try. It has an 8-week, no-quibble guarantee - so go on, start looking and feeling like a million dollars!

Author Liz has more information concerning Cheat Your Way Thin here along with her free six-part weight loss mini-course. Find out exactly what you should weigh! She has, after a great deal of research, narrowed it down to only four diets that she considers to be the best available online. Check them out here:

Pro and Con " Cheat Your Way Thin" Weight Loss Program By Health Experts

This health and weight loss program is designed by Joel Marion, the former Body for Life Champion.This is the diet program which helps him to beat more than 1,000 other fitness competitors in the competition. It is a complete fat and weight loss system that If your desire is to boost your body's fat burning, then it is the program for you, because after using the program and diet recommended in the book, it will transform your body to lose weight easily. As always, we provide you with the information and opinions of PRO and CON by health experts, it is up to you to see if the program is good for you. Please read information and carefully and consult with your doctor before applying.

Recommended Program
Cheat Your Way Thin
Use Your Favorite Foods To Lose Fat Faster
Indulging In Foods That Most
Other Dieters Can At Best Dream About

Cheat Your Way Thin Reviews - What's the Problem With This Diet?
By John Davenport Platinum Quality Author

The Cheat Your Way Thin program by Joel Marion has been gaining a great deal of acclaim recently with glowing user testimonials and expert reviews. And indeed, this program can help you shed weight fast while allowing you to indulge in your favorite fatty foods.

I happen to favor this plan because it works with your body and not against it and helps the metabolism run faster for a long time, burning a lot of calories for you. But there is one main problem with it.

I am surprised that other reviews of the Cheat your Way Thin program have not remarked on this as it can prove to be a major problem for many people and it's all about how the program works.

"Cheating" is all about infrequent indulgence in fatty foods to boost your metabolism, provide you with more motivation, and push your body to burn more calories. But this should be done strategically, in a smart way which is what the program teaches. And it cannot be done on a daily basis but only on occasion.

This is what worries me: I fear that many people will take the "Cheating" concept and misuse it. They will overindulge themselves and eat too many pizza, ice-cream, burgers, and the like. If you do this too often, it will make you fatter. If you do this as Joel Marion teaches, you will burn off fat fast.

It takes discipline to follow this program as it should be followed. I just don't know how many people know how to control their cravings. In my mind, the Cheat Your Way Thin program is an excellent way to shed weight while still enjoying your food, but only try it out if you are confident in your ability to know when enough is enough. If you overdo "cheating" you will gain weight. Make a commitment to do it just as Joel Marion teaches and you will lose weight.

It is up to you to decide if you are up to the challenge.

To read more about this system, click here: Cheat Your Way Thin System
To read more about Joel Marion, click here: Joel Marion Reviews

John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. He now runs a weight loss forum and publishes a diet and fitness newsletter.

Article Source:

Recommended Program
Cheat Your Way Thin
Use Your Favorite Foods To Lose Fat Faster
Indulging In Foods That Most
Other Dieters Can At Best Dream About

Review of Cheat Your Way Thin
By Thomha Hansen

The new weight loss system Cheat Your Way Thin promises amazing results within a very short time.

What do you get with Cheat Your Way Thin?

After having opened the Cheat Your Way Thin program my first thought was that this stuff was really good. One example of why I belive Cheat Your Way Thin at first looked very good, was the 3 downloadable videos which are included in the program. The videos explain exactly how the program works and how to benefit from it. Cheat Your Way Thin also comes with reference cards or diet generator which contain relevant meal suggestions for different days and you also get a journal & workbook to keep track on how you are doing.

The creator behind the weight loss program:
The author Joel Marion has created Cheat Your Way Thin and he is actually still working as a personal trainer and nutritionist. Furthermore Joel Marion is an active writer in several well known health and fitness magazines.

What do I Like About Cheat Your Way Thin?
Cheat Your Way Thin, is not only providing you with information about how to eat your favorite junk food once in a while, you are actually required to do this minimum once pr. week. But why does the author tells us to do the opposite of what we are suppose to do if we want to get rid of fat? The thought behind this approach is that if we eat junk food on a very specific time in the week then your metabolism will actually together with exercise make your body burn more calories than it usually does.

If you are wondering that this weight loss program is just useless theories & will not work out for you, I am happy to tell you that this is not the case. Cheat Your Way Thin is actually backed up by well known scientific research and Joel Marion has spent more than six years to study the correlation between metabolism & body weight and how these can be manipulated to give you a desirable body. If you go to Cheat Your Way Thin's website there is a list of the scientific studies the author has used for Cheat Your Way Thin.

Do I Recommend It?
I will with no doubt recommend this weight loss program as it is simple to use and Joel Marion is explaining very good why his weight loss program works & how you can take advantage of it.

$77.00 is the price of the program & that is a great price taking into consideration that it is discounted. At this price you get really a lot of great content and if you do not wish to continue after some time, there is a 8 week money back guarantee after purchase, so you don't risk anything at all by purchasing this weight loss program.

The Auther of the article has many years of experience helping people to lose weight in many different ways. Please visit for more information about weight loss. For more specific knowledge about how to lose fat from the legs, please visit:

Article Source:

Recommended Program
Cheat Your Way Thin
Use Your Favorite Foods To Lose Fat Faster
Indulging In Foods That Most
Other Dieters Can At Best Dream About

Is "Cheat Your Way Thin" Just Another One Those Weight Loss and Eating Plan Scams?
By James Birch Platinum Quality Author

Joel Marion disagrees with most other people's claims that you have to cut down on calories in order to lose weight. Joel is a fitness expert, nutritionist and author who supports an eating plan that involves "strategic cheating". Every now and then he will deliberately overeat. Joel says it definitely works and can help you to shed those unwanted pounds!

So this begs the question is Cheat Your Way Thin just another one of those Weight Loss Eating Plan Scams?

Joel goes on to explain that our body's suffer from what he likes to call "starvation mode" Due to the lower calorie intake our body reacts by holding on to it's stores of fat. It needs these for continued energy. This in turn slows your metabolism down to a rate where it is hardly burning any calories. This would explain why a lot of diets start out well and then seem to just stop working!

This is where Joel's method of "strategic cheating" comes in. You are basically trying to trick your body into believing it is not on a diet. So by eating pretty much what you like once, and at most twice a week you can boost your metabolism and burn fat more quickly and efficiently.

The majority of the techniques and systems you will learn from Joel's program have been scientifically researched and proven. So i can say that this Weight Loss and Eating Plan is definitely not a scam. You will need to eat sensibly, but you can still treat yourself every once in a while.

If you are serious about learning more about picking the right weight loss and eating plan, perhaps it's time you started to Cheat Your Way Thin. To discover the perfect eating strategies to help you burn fat and lose weight please Click Here.

Pro and Con " Cheat Your Way Thin" Weight Loss Program By Health Experts

Recommended Program
Cheat Your Way Thin
Use Your Favorite Foods To Lose Fat Faster
Indulging In Foods That Most
Other Dieters Can At Best Dream About

Cheat Your Way Thin - Review
By John Davenport Platinum Quality Author

Wouldn't it be wonderful if you could eat your favorite foods and still lose weight?

It seems as if this is too good to be true but according to Joel Marion's Cheat Your Way Thin program it's not. In fact, it's even good for you.

What is Cheat Your Way Thin?

This is a weight loss program created by trainer and nutrition expert Joel Marion. The concept is very simple: regular diets fail because they are too depriving. They rob your body of necessary nutrients and force it to conserve its calories instead of burning them. Diets also rob you of the joy of food which is why they are so hard to stick to. They work against your body and not with it which is why most diets fail.

I agree with that completely. Orthodox diets are usually a short term solution to a long term problem. They don't provide your body with what it needs which explains why so many people gain back all the weight they lose.

The Cheat Your Way Thin program is based on strategic "cheating". What this means is that you're allowed to eat your favorite sin foods (like pizza and pasta) as long as you do it in moderation and by following specific guidelines. What this does is help you to enjoy your food more and stick to your weight loss plan for as long as you need to. This is a psychological benefit and an important one.

But the main thing is what happens inside your body. You see, regular diets fail because they are depriving by nature. The body rebels against them. By "cheating", you're working with the body and not against it. It's manipulating your body's way of working to help your metabolism remain running high and burn more calories faster. It's totally different from regular diets and a way to really burn off fat for a long time.

Cheat Your Way Thin is highly recommended and comes with many positive testimonials. It's an easy to follow program which comes with a lot of material you can use to lose as much weight as you need and keep it off. Joel Marion did a great job in producing a program which has video, audio, and reading materials to really give you what you need to shed weight. I recommend this program even for people who tried to lose weight in the past and failed. It's a fun way to diet.

To read more about this program, go here: Cheat Your Way Thin Review

John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. He now runs a weight loss forum and publishes a diet and fitness newsletter. To read more about fast weight loss, click here: Joel Marion Review

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Recommended Program
Cheat Your Way Thin
Use Your Favorite Foods To Lose Fat Faster
Indulging In Foods That Most
Other Dieters Can At Best Dream About

At Last! Cheat Your Way Thin - Discover How Cheating Can Be an Answer to Slimming Down
By Faviano Torres

At Last! Cheat your way thin through our amazing tips that you can easily follow. In this article, you can discover how cheating can be an answer to slimming down, at the same time giving you enough room to breathe and recharge after your hard days of dieting. This is what most programs fail to do, that is why people who are patronizing these programs fail to get slim as well.

There are times when most people, after years of dieting and striving to lose weight, do not seem to lose any pounds at all. This is referred to as the weight plateau. This is a dangerous stage to be in because you may get to the extreme of exercise and diet, thinking that it is still not enough, without realizing that you are now at the plateau stage. At Last! Cheat your way thin and stop being too hard on yourself because this is the only way you can get back on the right track again. Why does your body need to experience this? As we all know, the body has a hormonal and balance system. Once it is already accustomed to your diet and exercise plan, it may get to a stagnant point wherein your metabolism just does not speed up enough for you to lose weight.

It is important that you understand that the only way you are losing weight is because your metabolism is working efficiently and effectively. If your brain sends a message for your metabolism to slow down and eventually stop, no matter what you do, you will never get any fat off! At Last! Cheat your way thin is the only way that will help, you increase your metabolism again, and this is through eating. This is not a joke! In a week, there are seven days. You should spend six out of those seven days in eating healthy and exercising regularly and on the seventh day, feel free to eat whatever you want.

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Recommended Program
Cheat Your Way Thin
Use Your Favorite Foods To Lose Fat Faster
Indulging In Foods That Most
Other Dieters Can At Best Dream About

Cheat Your Way Thin Review - Not This Again!
By Joe Simmons Platinum Quality Author

heat Your Way Thin, the new fat loss program from best selling author and dietitian, Joel Marion, has taken the online diets market place by surprise. Joel has created his very own unique dieting plan that he says will actually "cheat" your body into burning calories. The question that most of us want answered is "is Cheat Your Way Thin a ripoff or does it truly work?"

Honestly, most folks that are are getting tired of getting the same old song and dance from these online "experts". Some dude with a extraordinary physique comes in out of nowhere with the latest, greatest fat burning diet, sells a few 100,000 copies and takes off into the sunset.

The trouble with many of these plans is that many of these people will actually have short term weight loss only to gain every pound of blubber back over the coming several weeks or months, PLUS a few pounds extra! Many of these plans were not meant to be a long term answer, particularly for those individuals that are morbidly obese.

So exactly what is it that makes Cheat Your Way Thin unique from all the rest? Well, let's take a look at what Joel has done previously. In all reality, his uncovering of this fat loss plan was a full-scale accident. He happened to be dieting himself and, just as many of us have done 1-2 times in our lives, he relapsed by giving in to his temptations for fattening (so he thought) foods. We all make mistakes. I could relate to that, having been on a weight loss roller coaster for most of my youth. However, what Joel bumbled upon through succumbing to his cravings was a way of fooling his body into a routine that it wasn't accustomed to, and by"pigging out", in reality he LOST weight.

You see, the Cheating Your Way Thin program permits you to relish some of your favorite foods as part of the diet. Of course, this is not something that you're permitted to do every day, only you are allowed to enjoy enough to where it allows you things to look forward to and it makes it a lot more desirable to stay with the diet. The body needs a certain amount of healthy foods such as vegetables and fresh fruits, as well as lean meats in order to be healthy. Nonetheless, Joel has developed a method that has allowed even people that have had an extremely difficult time losing weight in the past to finally remove their unwanted fat.

Please don't misunderstand me. The science behind this diet appears to be solid and there are a lot of testimonials from individuals that have had remarkable success with the program. However, I've seen a lot of weight loss ebooks come and go over the past few years and there's just no way to ensure that any product is going to work for you. That would be an outrageous claim to make considering that there is no way to know your history, the present state of your health, your current eating habits, medical restrictions, your living environment, and so on and so forth. There are too many elements to consider.

My final thoughts of Cheat Your Way Thin are this. It really does look to be a legitimate product. As I said before, the testimonials are streaming in and most other reviews have been very favorable. My suggestion to anyone who wants to lose weight and is "on the fence" about trying it is this. Pick it up today while the cost of the book is still low. If it works out for you then you got a deal before they increased the price. If it does not help you, or if it is not everything Joel has represented, then you have 60 days to get a a refund. Does that make sense?

Wait! Save $342.00 Dollars if You Act Fast! Learn How Right Now By Clicking On or by clicking on Cheat Your Way Thin Review

Pro and Con " Cheat Your Way Thin" Weight Loss Program By Health Experts

This health and weight loss program is designed by Joel Marion, the former Body for Life Champion.This is the diet program which helps him to beat more than 1,000 other fitness competitors in the competition. It is a complete fat and weight loss system that If your desire is to boost your body's fat burning, then it is the program for you, because after using the program and diet recommended in the book, it will transform your body to lose weight easily. As always, we provide you with the information and opinions of PRO and CON by health experts, it is up to you to see if the program is good for you. Please read information and carefully and consult with your doctor before applying.

Recommended Program
Cheat Your Way Thin
Use Your Favorite Foods To Lose Fat Faster
Indulging In Foods That Most
Other Dieters Can At Best Dream About

Fast Results Weight Loss - Cheat Your Way Thin
By Dr. Becky Gillaspy Platinum Quality Author

Fast results weight loss is what Cheat Your Way Thin is all about. This program shows you how adding a weekly "Cheat Day" to your dieting week actually increases your weight loss.

Cheat Your Way Thin is a complete weight loss system by former Body for Life Champion, Joel Marion. It is the method he used to beat 1000's of other contestants in the body transformation competition and he has now refined it into a practical plan that is allowing the ordinary Joe and Jane to transform their body fast.

In the past there was a problem when someone strove for fast results weight loss and that problem was how to keep the metabolism high enough to continue to see progress on the scale.

Old fashion quick weight loss methods usually involved dramatically reducing calories, this would result in a plummeting metabolism and since metabolism is what causes fat burning, results dropped off significantly if not stopping all together.

So there was a need for a better approach, one that could keep the metabolism raised while still losing weight and the answer appears to be cheating. By dieting and reducing your calorie intake for 6 days of the week and then cheating on day 7 you lose weight and keep your fat burning potential.

What does a cheat day look like? Whatever you want or have a craving for you can have on that day. Are you hungry for pancakes in the morning, have them and then how about pizza or a burger and fries; how about topping that of with a delicious dessert of cake and ice cream. This day is a day to boost your metabolism and satisfy every craving.

Doesn't sound possible? Cheat Your Way Thin is the best way to lose weight fast and it has been proven in countless research articles and thousands of real life case studies. I encourage you to give this program a fair evaluation. There is not a more livable, practical and doable program out there for fast results weight loss.

If you are interested in learning how a Cheat Day can boost your weight loss, then check out Cheat Your Way Thin here you will find before and after pictures and links to the official site where you can learn about the eating strategies talked about in this article.

Dr. Becky Gillaspy is a Doctor of Chiropractic, Certified Wellness Coach and Author helping clients reach and exceed their weight loss and fitness goals.

Recommended Program
Cheat Your Way Thin
Use Your Favorite Foods To Lose Fat Faster
Indulging In Foods That Most
Other Dieters Can At Best Dream About

Does Cheat Your Way Thin Work?
By John Davenport Platinum Quality Author

The Cheat Your Way Thin program has been getting a lot of attention lately as many fitness experts have recommended it as a great and fun way to lose weight. But what is the true nature of this program and does it really work?

As with any program, Cheat Your Way Thin will not work for everyone. Weight loss is a personal thing and so what works for one person does not work for everyone. However, it is likely to work for most people and for you as well.

The reason is that Joel Marion, the creator of this program, has spent a lot of time in researching and fine-tuning the material in this program to make sure it works exactly as it should and produces the very finest results. And after 5 years of research it's no wonder that this program works for so many people.

The testimonials Cheat Your Way Thin received are enough to show how this program truly helps people to get lean while helping them preserve their muscle tissue mass and to work with their body to create life long eating habits which will get them to not only lose weight but to keep it off far into the future.

Cheat Your Way Thin works by allowing you to eat your favorite foods during the diet. Before you begin to think that this is to good to be true, I need to say that this is only allowed on occasion, and not on a daily basis, and works only when you do it strategically, according to the guidelines that Joel Marion developed.

What cheating gives you is a way to enjoy your weight loss program in a way which makes it easy to stick to it for a long time. You still need to eat healthy, fresh, and lean food most of the time, but as Joel Marion discovered, "cheating" can actually help your body to burn off fat even faster than if you would have avoided your favorite foods altogether.

This 7 part program includes, video, audio, and reading material which is comprehensive and provides many way for you to remain committed to the process. I believe that this is a great way to shed weight and do it in a fun way.

To read more about "cheating" to lose weight, go here: Cheat Your Way Thin

John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. He now runs a weight loss forum and publishes a diet and fitness newsletter. To read more about fast weight loss, click here: Cheat Your Way Thin Testimonials

Recommended Program
Cheat Your Way Thin
Use Your Favorite Foods To Lose Fat Faster
Indulging In Foods That Most
Other Dieters Can At Best Dream About

Cheat Your Way Thin - Review
By Andrew Pekar Platinum Quality Author

Does the Cheat Your Way Thin Program by Joel Marion really work? This fat loss system has taught me how I can add some cheat days to my diet to increase my fat and weight loss results. It is all about boosting metabolism and not about reducing caloric intake.

1. What is Cheat Your Way Thin?

This health and diet program is created by Joel Marion, the former Body for Life Champion. It is a program that was used to beat more than 1,000 other fitness experts in the competition. He has organized his entire program into a simple system eBook that can be downloaded over the Internet. It is a complete fat and weight loss system that anyone can use to boost their body's fat burning and transform their body easily.

2. What is Losing Fats with the Cheat Your Way Thin System Like?

This system is aimed at increasing an individual's metabolism by tricking the body constantly to make it burn more fats than it would normally do. Raising metabolism has been scientifically proven to be the better weight for fat loss than reducing calories intake like how many other fitness programs preach.

Most of the time, the cheat day will happen once every week that prevents the body from increasing its fat storage. This larger food intake makes the body think that food is abundant and thus will never go into a starvation mode.

3. Why Is It That Most Diets and Most Fat Loss Programs Do Not Work?

Traditional methods like diets only focused on counting and reducing calories. Sure, these methods can result in weight loss, but the results are only temporary. As a result of lowered caloric intake, the body starts to lose lean muscle and the overall body metabolism plummets significantly. The end result is that the person will need to carry on the diet forever to maintain his or her weight. Even then, the person will appear to be leaner but in actual fact, significant amounts of fat can be stored in specific body parts that are harder to lose (like the belly, thighs and hips).

Is Cheat Your Way Thin a scam? Visit to read a FREE report about this Fat Loss System to find out the truth before you buy Cheat Your Way Thin!

Recommended Program
Cheat Your Way Thin
Use Your Favorite Foods To Lose Fat Faster
Indulging In Foods That Most
Other Dieters Can At Best Dream About

How Does Cheat Your Way Thin Work?
By John Davenport Platinum Quality Author

There are many diet plans out there that are a complete mystery. It's difficult to tell if they work and if they do, how they do it. This article will try to clarify how the Cheat Your Way Thin program works so that you can understand the science behind it.

But before we talk about "cheating" and how it can help you to lose more weight, we need to understand why so many diets fail.

Metabolic slowdown and starvation mode

The dismal statistics show that the vast majority of diets fail. Why is that? Because regular diets are depriving by nature and our body does not like deprivation. Whenever we eat too little (for more than a few days) our body senses that it's entering a crisis situation in which food is scarce. It reacts by protecting itself. This is called Starvation Mode, the way our body fights to protect its stores of fat and calories.

Our body does this by slowing down our metabolism. Our metabolism is what determines how fast we burn calories. Once our metabolism slows, it is harder for us to lose weight. That's why weight loss tends to slow down with time and often stops entirely.

The Solution - Cheat Your Way Thin

The solution is to "cheat" your diet by occasionally indulging in eating the "wrong" things like pizza, pasta, burgers, and other fatty foods. These un-dietary dishes help us lose weight because they help us avoid entering the starvation mode and keep our metabolism running high. Even though we eat many calories during these "cheating" episodes, our metabolism burns them off much faster than it would have done otherwise.

This higher metabolism also helps us to maintain our weight loss and keep our muscle tissue intact, giving us a firmer and leaner look.

But "cheating" needs to be done in a smart way. Otherwise it can backfire. This is where the Cheat Your Way Thin program comes in handy. Using this system will help you "cheat" in the right way so that you get to enjoy your favorite foods, shed weight, and get a leaner body.

Using Cheat Your Way Thin has already helped many people lose weight. It can do the same for you.

To read more about cheating to lose weight, click here: Cheat Your Way Thin Reviews
To see before and after pictures of people who've used this program go here: Cheat Your Way Thin Pictures
John Davenport is an author and fitness expert. He is the author of Emotional Eating Solution - a program to overcome emotional eating.

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