This health and weight loss program is designed by Joel Marion, the former Body for Life Champion.This is the diet program which helps him to beat more than 1,000 other fitness competitors in the competition. It is a complete fat and weight loss system that If your desire is to boost your body's fat burning, then it is the program for you, because after using the program and diet recommended in the book, it will transform your body to lose weight easily. As always, we provide you with the information and opinions of PRO and CON by health experts, it is up to you to see if the program is good for you. Please read information and carefully and consult with your doctor before applying.
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Cheat your Way thin Review
Experienced nutritionist and personal trainer Joel Marion once had a weight problem too. Like many others he kept an eagle eye on his calorific intake, cut out the fats, dairy produce, cakes, burgers, ice cream, in fact all the foods he really enjoyed eating. He worked out regularly crunch after crunch until it hurt. Week after week he stepped onto the scales expecting to have lost weight...No change!!!! He became very despondent. How could this be? All the diet programs advocated that if you kept the calories low, and exercised regularly, you would lose weight.
Joel lost faith in dieting and embarked on a binge diet of pizza, pasta, name it, he devoured it! After several weeks his conscience got the better of him, and feeling rather guilty decided to get back to his diet. he reluctantly went to weigh himself to see how much weight he had gained expecting the worst, but to his great surprise he had lost quite a bit of weight and around 1 inch off his waste! You could have knocked him down with a feather. He was stunned, confused and EXCITED!
He decided to find out, by intensive research, the scientific reason why this overeating had brought about the weight loss. He found out that by cutting down on calories your body actually fights against your efforts to lose weight. By starving yourself of calories your body goes into a kind of starvation mode, storing fat and slowing down your metabolism., which means not only do you not lose weight, but can actually gain weight!.
Eliminating carbohydrates from your diet is the biggest mistake you can make, but by using the right carbs you can turn your metabolism into a fat burning slave.You can structure your meals to increase metabolism by 20% so you can eat more and lose fat faster. The " old "diets often cause a loss of muscle mass, batter your metabolism and leave you run down and depressed. "Strategic cheating", as he calls it, provides you with powerful metabolic benefits, and even more powerful psychological ones. You can regularly eat the foods you like, lose weight and keep it off.
The program comes with an exercise plan, built strategically around the "cheating sessions", providing results week after week, increasing your energy levels by working with your body, as apposed to against it, . You also get a superb manual explaining what to eat and when to eat it, food lists, charts and 4 different variations of the program to choose from, which ever suits you.Included are 2 audio sessions with the author. One explaining the origins of the plan and his personal battle with weight loss.
The other a fascinating discussion on dieting, psychology and the human body, which is a real eye opener. Also you are supplied with a powerful "no fail " video showing practical strategies which are easy to implement and ready for immediate use. And much more. This is one of the most complete packages available leaving nothing to chance. The 60 day, no quibble, money back guarantee means you can try this out free and if you are not satisfied after that you've lost nothing. Don't waste your time on useless calorie control diets, use this proven system and watch the weight fall off.
Hi, My Name Is Kim. I live in Bristol England UK. As a dieter and keen fitness fan I highly recommend The most popular diet & fitness program available today "Cheat Your Way Thin" Many thousands of people worldwide have successfully used this program as will many thousands more in the future. For More Info. Work From Home visit
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Cheat Your Way Thin
Use Your Favorite Foods To Lose Fat Faster
Indulging In Foods That Most
Other Dieters Can At Best Dream About
Cheat Your Way Thin is a lose weight program which was developed by Joel Marion. The initiator of this program has spent a lot of time in researching and improving the material to make sure it works exactly as it should and generates the very finest results. After 5 years of research it's no doubt that this course works for most of the people who try it.
Of course that you are now wondering what makes it so special from the rest of already existing programs and diets, right? The main reasons why so many diets are unsuccessful is due to how they work against the body and metabolism and not with it. It is possible that those may work for a while, but it is not a long term solution in order to lose weight.
If you have been struggling to lose weight and tried several weight loss programs without any success and you are feeling really frustrated when it comes to your body then the Cheat Your Way Thin program could be for you. There is no need to worry about those guilty feelings that you have after eating something that usually bothers when taking other diets. This diet program will allow you to enjoy the favorite foods and lose weight at the same time. But like with all the other diets, it is needed to make some effort.
One of the main advantages of Cheat Your Way Thin losing weight diet is that from time to time you can eat anything as long as you respect the other requirements. Every traditional diet you tried called for the same day-in, day-out eating pattern, same calorie intake, same foods and same monotonous set-up.
The variety of this program is such that you do not even feel like dieting. Not only that, but in addition to all the weekly diversity, you are able to frequently take a break from all dieting and eat whatever you want, and like was said without feeling guilty! This is a diet for normal persons, and it helps you actually to start enjoying eating and living in healthy manner.
While any other program destroys your metabolism through week after week of calorie restriction Cheat Your Way Thin protects your metabolism throughout the entire course via strategic cheating and calorie manipulation in the same time promoting maintenance of calorie burning tilt muscle tissue as you strip away fat.
Of course, like everything in this world, nothing is perfect, neither this diet is.
The diet focuses on a psychological effect. So, that means it could happen that the program will be good just for about three-four weeks because of the following: when you start losing weight you will forget about this effect and you will feel like not carrying out a diet; you will not be careful anymore in respecting this program and in the end this will slow down the diet effect.
All in all I think this program deserves to be at least tried considering the fact that it does not affect your metabolism. Cheat Your Way Thin is a completely downloadable series of e-manuals, audio, and video files that will change your life. Other diets in most cases will just lead to massive breakdown of muscle tissue, further decreasing of metabolic rate, but this program is something different. It works with the body and could help people that found other diet programs ineffective.
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